Welcome to 2018. At Young Air Conditioning we are eager to improve on our 2017 successful switch to Daikin’s R32 range. We made a conscious ethical business decision to start the transition to the low GWP R32 gas during 2015. Daikin now have a broad range of split-type systems in their R32 refrigerant gas range that for every project we have quoted there has been an R32 system available. Obviously this successful transition wouldn’t have been as smooth without the cooperation of our customers. We have been thrilled by the way our customers have embraced the change, which is testament… Read more »
Posts Tagged: air conditioning worcester
Henwick Vets Worcester and Young Air Conditioning Malvern

Henwick Vets and Young Air Conditioning. Customer feedback is incredibly valuable to us, without honest words we do not know how well (or how bad) we are doing. If there are areas of our business that need a little improvement we need our customers to inform us. Customer Testimonials are highly precious to all of the staff at Young Air Malvern because without our customers we would have no air conditioning business. Therefore we thank all of our customers who take time out of their busy day to write about our company. We were approached by Henwick Vets of Henwick… Read more »