The time interval between services for Air Conditioning systems is unfortunately not the same for every application. The general guideline is once every 12 months, at a minimum.

The greatest variant depends on the environment that the Air Sourced Heat Pump system is working within. Conditions can change dramatically from an industrial building, to offices, homes or clean rooms. Each situation needs to be evaluated on an individual basis.

If you are unsure please contact us today and we can discuss and advise on a personal level. Young Air Conditioning Ltd is available for servicing any make of professionally installed Air Conditioning system within the Three Counties area. Contact us on Malvern 01684 575874 or email to:

Bramble growing into condenser

Bramble growing into condenser

Benefits of regular cleaning and servicing of Air Conditioning units.

If the filters inside the indoor air conditioning unit become blocked or dirty this will inhibit the air flow and efficiency of the the indoor which will ultimately mean that the outdoor compressor will have to work harder for longer to achieve the desired room temperature.

Thus meaning that the wonderfully energy efficient Heat Pump system capable of operating at A+++ is probably not running at such a high efficiency level.

It is advised that the user cleans the internal filters every two to four weeks. Once the filters have been removed from the indoor unit they can be cleaned either by washing with water or using a vacuum cleaner (on low setting).

The outdoor condensing unit will also benefit from a little attention. 

The unit should be checked that it is clear of overgrown vegetation, which could restrict the airflow reducing energy efficiency. Plants and weeds can also find their way into the outdoor unit and in some cases entangle themselves around the fan stopping it from running. This was the situation one customer found themselves in at the end of October 2017.  The Air Conditioning system hadn’t been used for a while and when they required heating in the workshop during a particularly chilly October morning found that their system would not operate!

Bramble around fan blade

Bramble around fan blade

Another point to check is that there are no physical obstructions placed close to the outdoor unit. Things like dustbins, recycling bins, sheds etc. if placed too close to the unit will again restrict the airflow. As an example, when the indoor unit is in cooling the outdoor unit is generating heat and if a commercial dustbin is placed in front of the outdoor unit it runs the risk of overheating and a fault developing.

These are all simple things that most people can check and carry out for themselves. However regular servicing from a F-Gas Registered Air Conditioning company is highly recommended on a minimum 12-month basis.

What cleaning products can I use to clean my air conditioner?

Please do not use any cleaning products to clean the inside of the air conditioning unit. If you can see soiling to the internal louvers or sides of the unit please contact us first. If a system hasn’t been running for a while mould can develop which will require the services of an air conditioning service engineer. The indoor unit can be dried out by placing the system into heating for about 30 minutes, which allows it to effectively dry out any moisture that remains in the system. If the system has been operating in cooling for a length of time, it could also benefit from a switch to heating mode for 30-60 minutes to dry out and reduce the chance of mould developing inside the indoor air conditioning unit.

Air Conditioning service Malvern.

If you would like to receive a service quote please contact us at Young Air Conditioning Ltd, Malvern, visit our website or email us at

Young Air Conditioning Ltd covers the following areas: Malvern, Tewkesbury, Worcester and Pershore.